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EverythingRS Auto Webstore Tutorial


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EverythingRS - Free Donation Installation

EverythingRS is a free API system. Here's a quick tutorial on how to get started with donations.

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If you need more help or for some reason cannot understand the tutorial. You can post a comment on this thread or reach us at our support Discord.


Getting started

  • First off download our everythingrs-api.jar from here and include it into your project.

Registration and secret key

Setting up your donation with Paypal

In order for the donation script to work, you must set it up with your Paypal. 

  • To set up your donation script to receive Paypal payments, go to your settings here
  • Input your Paypal email and hit submit


Adding and removing items

Adding and removing items from your Auto Donate is simple.

  • Go to your Auto Donate dashboard here
  • Under "Add new product", fill out the form information, then hit submit
  • To remove an item just click "Remove" next to the item that you are trying to remove


(Optional) Creating a Sale

We promote sales on our front page. This is a good way for new players to find deals on servers before joining, and for servers to earn new customers.

  • To create a sale go to your Sales dashboard here
  • Choose the item that you want to put on sale
  • Set the expiration date, and what % off you want to make the item
  • Read our notification and confirm that you commit to the sale.


Lets take a look at your new donation page

You can find your donation script at:  yoursubdomain.everythingrs.com/services/store

Making the auto donate work with your server

This part of the tutorial is for PI & Ruse, but can easily be changed to work with any server. If you want me to add a snippet on the thread so it can work with your framework leave a comment with the server base you want the snippet for. 

  • Add the code below into Commands.java and you're all done!

For PI


            if (playerCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("claim")) {
                new java.lang.Thread() {
                    public void run() {
                        try {
                            com.everythingrs.donate.Donation[] donations = com.everythingrs.donate.Donation.donations("secret_key", 
                            if (donations.length == 0) {
                                c.sendMessage("You currently don't have any items waiting. You must donate first!");
                            if (donations[0].message != null) {
                            for (com.everythingrs.donate.Donation donate : donations) {
                                c.getItems().addItem(donate.product_id, donate.product_amount);
                            c.sendMessage("Thank you for donating!");
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            c.sendMessage("Api Services are currently offline. Please check back shortly");


For Vencillio


In PlayerCommand.java under 

switch (parser.getCommand()) {


case "claim":
            new java.lang.Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        com.everythingrs.donate.Donation[] donations = com.everythingrs.donate.Donation.donations("secret_key", 
                        if (donations.length == 0) {
                            player.send(new SendMessage("You currently don't have any items waiting. You must donate first!"));
                        if (donations[0].message != null) {
                            player.send(new SendMessage(donations[0].message));
                        for (com.everythingrs.donate.Donation donate : donations) {
                            player.getInventory().add(new Item(donate.product_id, donate.product_amount));
                        player.send(new SendMessage("Thank you for donating!"));
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        player.send(new SendMessage("Api Services are currently offline. Please check back shortly"));
            return true;


For Ethos / Exotic

In ethos/model/players/packets/commands/all

Open or create (if it does not exist) Claim.java

and replace the entire file with this

package ethos.model.players.packets.commands.all;
	import ethos.model.players.Player;
import ethos.model.players.packets.commands.Command;
 * Auto Donation System / https://EverythingRS.com
 * @author Genesis
	public class Claim extends Command {
    public void execute(Player player, String input) {
        new java.lang.Thread() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    com.everythingrs.donate.Donation[] donations = com.everythingrs.donate.Donation
                            .donations("secret_key", player.playerName);
                    if (donations.length == 0) {
                        player.sendMessage("You currently don't have any items waiting. You must donate first!");
                    if (donations[0].message != null) {
                    for (com.everythingrs.donate.Donation donate : donations) {
                        player.getItems().addItem(donate.product_id, donate.product_amount);
                    player.sendMessage("Thank you for donating!");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    player.sendMessage("Api Services are currently offline. Please check back shortly");


For Ruse


if (command[0].equalsIgnoreCase("claim")) {
            new java.lang.Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        com.everythingrs.donate.Donation[] donations = com.everythingrs.donate.Donation.donations("secret_key", 
                        if (donations.length == 0) {
                            player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("You currently don't have any items waiting. You must donate first!");
                        if (donations[0].message != null) {
                        for (com.everythingrs.donate.Donation donate : donations) {
                            player.getInventory().add(new Item(donate.product_id, donate.product_amount));
                        player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("Thank you for donating!");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        player.getPacketSender().sendMessage("Api Services are currently offline. Please check back shortly");



You are now finished adding the auto donation script to your website and server. If you have any suggestions for features, leave a comment and let me know.

Edited by EverythingRS
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