Tutorials Latest Topicshttps://runelist.io/forums/forum/48-tutorials/Tutorials Latest TopicsenMap Function Fixes [143+]https://runelist.io/forums/topic/191-map-function-fixes-143/

Hey, so since 143 a lot of servers have been using Zions Tutorial for map icons, While this does work. Its not the correct way to do it and is a cheap way to do it also it only supports up to icon 83 so all the new map icons are not showing on the Minimap

The fix: 

The reason this is happening is because OSRS started to use Areas to store information like map icons, World map Information. I have dumped and encoded the icons with the sprite id that they should be loaded from in your cache

What your Adding:


Step 1:

Remove Zions Fix

Step 2:

Download these files and pack them into your cache

[Sprites] Map Functions
[Areas.dat and idx] into your configs

Step 3:

Next you will need to add this class

package com.runescape.cache.def;

import com.runescape.cache.FileArchive;
import com.runescape.io.Buffer;
import com.runescape.sign.SignLink;
import com.runescape.util.FileUtils;

public final class AreaDefinition {

    public static int totalAreas;
    public static AreaDefinition[] cache;
    private static int cacheIndex;
    private static Buffer area_data;
    private static int[] streamIndices;

    public int id;
    public int spriteId = -1;
    public int field3294 = -1;
    public String name = "";
    public int field3296 = -1;
    public int field3297 = -1;
    public String actions[];
    public int field3310 = -1;

    private AreaDefinition() {
        id = -1;

    public static void clear() {
        streamIndices = null;
        cache = null;
        area_data = null;

    public static void init(FileArchive archive) {
        area_data = new Buffer(archive.readFile("areas.dat"));
        Buffer stream = new Buffer(archive.readFile("areas.idx"));

        totalAreas = stream.readUShort();
        streamIndices = new int[totalAreas];
        int offset = 2;

        for (int _ctr = 0; _ctr < totalAreas; _ctr++) {
            streamIndices[_ctr] = offset;
            offset += stream.readUShort();

        cache = new AreaDefinition[10];

        for (int _ctr = 0; _ctr < 10; _ctr++) {
            cache[_ctr] = new AreaDefinition();

        System.out.println("Loaded: " + totalAreas + " Areas");


    public static AreaDefinition lookup(int itemId) {

            for (int count = 0; count < 10; count++)
                if (cache[count].id == itemId)
                    return cache[count];

            cacheIndex = (cacheIndex + 1) % 10;
            AreaDefinition itemDef = cache[cacheIndex];
            if (itemId > 0)
                area_data.currentPosition = streamIndices[itemId];
            itemDef.id = itemId;
            return itemDef;

    public void readValues(Buffer buffer) {
        do {
            int opCode = buffer.readUnsignedByte();
            if (opCode == 0)
            if (opCode == 1)
                spriteId = buffer.readInt();
            else if (opCode == 2)
                field3294 = buffer.readInt();
            else if (opCode == 3)
                name = buffer.readNewString();
            else if (opCode == 4)
                field3296 = buffer.readInt();
            else if (opCode == 5)
                field3297 = buffer.readInt();
            else if (opCode == 6)
                field3296 = buffer.readInt();
            else if (opCode >= 6 && opCode < 11) {
                if (actions  == null)
                    actions = new String[5];
                   actions[opCode - 6] = buffer.readNewString();
            } else if (opCode == 12)
                field3310 = buffer.readInt();

        } while (true);


Step 3:

Under where you load the Objects Configs add 


Step 4:

Find Something that looks like 

for (int x = 0; x < 104; x++) {                
            for (int y = 0; y < 104; y++) {                      
                int id = scene.getGroundDecorationUid(plane, x, y);
                if (id != 0) {
                    id = id >> 14 & 0x7fff;

            int function = ObjectDefinition.lookup(id).minimapFunction;

            if (function >= 0) {
                int viewportX = x;                                    
                int viewportY = y;                                    
                minimapHint[anInt1071] = mapFunctions[function];
                minimapHintX[anInt1071] = viewportX;
                minimapHintY[anInt1071] = viewportY;


and replace it with this

for (int x = 0; x < 104; x++) {                
            for (int y = 0; y < 104; y++) {                      
                int id = scene.getGroundDecorationUid(plane, x, y);
                if (id != 0) {
                    id = id >> 14 & 0x7fff;

            int function = ObjectDefinition.lookup(id).minimapFunction;

            if (function >= 0) {
                int sprite = AreaDefinition.lookup(j3).spriteId;
                if(sprite != -1) {
                    int viewportX = x;                                    
                    int viewportY = y;                                    
                    minimapHint[anInt1071] = mapFunctions[sprite];
                    minimapHintX[anInt1071] = viewportX;
                    minimapHintY[anInt1071] = viewportY;



Step 5:

Search for 

mapFunctions[l3] = new Sprite


and edit the loop to load 118 Icons

if (mapFunctions[i6] != null)


in startup and edit the loop to load 118 Icons

mapFunctions = new Sprite


and edit the array to 118 Icons

Step 6:

Load up and make sure its working :)

if you need any help comment on the thread or dm me on discord, You may also need 32k object clicking to load some of the very new Icons up.

I will also look into what the other fields do tomorrow and update the thread

191Mon, 10 May 2021 01:04:17 +0000
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15Sat, 10 Oct 2020 18:26:26 +0000